Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran. / Intellectual Property / Intellectual property office of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences

Intellectual property office of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences

The nature of the office The intellectual property , as one of the main units of the health technology development management of the university, has the main task of developing and promoting the intellectual property culture at the university and community level. From this point of view, to realize the ideas and creativity of professors, students, and other inventors, the office has created a fair environment for judging and reviewing issues. Also, with the aim of training and strengthening patent arbitrations, the intellectual property office conducts patent registration and arbitration workshops as well as searches.
Office duties
•    Operationalizing and implementing intellectual property policies
•    Management, registration, and protection of intellectual property and creating the basis for its transfer to technological knowledge
•    Intellectual property office website management
•    Communicating with relevant organizations and institutions, including science and technology park
•    Providing advice to faculty members and students to familiarize and facilitate the process of patenting
•    Holding training courses in the field of intellectual property
•    Creating coordination with relevant centers and organizations to support patent registration
•    Guiding technological designs toward patents
•    Informing and creating a culture in the field of intellectual property
•    Holding patent arbitration workshops
•    Guidance for professors and students to use the points of brilliant talents of inventions
•    Judging inventions in different fields by sending them to judges in the relevant fields

The importance of promoting and spreading intellectual property

Intellectual property for today's businesses is like oxygen in the air for people. The survival of businesses depends on intellectual property and as a result, its protection, well-being, and the progress of humanity are undeniably dependent on intellectual property rights. Experts in the field of intellectual property mention several key reasons for the importance of promoting and spreading the subject:

-          The progress of societies and public welfare depends on the ability to create and develop technological innovations and cultural works that are directly related to intellectual property.

-          Legal protection and protection of new works and inventions increases investments with the aim of further innovation.

-          The promotion and protection of intellectual property lead to economic growth, job creation, the formation of new industries, and an increase in the quality of life.

-          An efficient and fair intellectual property system helps countries realize the potential of intellectual property as a catalyst for economic development, social welfare, and cultural advancement. The intellectual property system helps to balance the interests of innovators and public interests and provides an environment where creativity and innovation become a public value in society.